Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cuban Culture African Influence

The music of Cuba, including the instruments and the dances, is mostly of European and African origin. Most forms of the present day are creolized fusions and mixtures of these two great sources. Almost nothing remains of the original Natives traditions.

Lynn University's Study Abroad

My school Lynn University incorporated a Center for Learning Abroad, which offers more than 50 programs in different countries around the world. Travel short-term for two weeks in J-Term, or long-term for a whole semester, or a whole year. 

My Friend Whitney in Ireland. 

Some of my classmates in South Africa.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Interesting Facts About Japan

One of the places I definitely want to visit is Japan. I love Japanese Cinema and it has always made me feel attracted to their culture and society. Here's a few reasons I want to travel there:





Cuban-American culture in Miami.

Cuban Storefronts in Miami, 1978

Cuban storefronts in downtown Miami, 1978.
"Before 1960, the population of Cuban-Americans living in Miami was very small. With the rise of Fidel Castro however, their presence soon came to define that city. By 1980, Cuban exiles made up over half of the population in Miami. In different ways, their community has come to embody the best and the worst of American life.
When the first Cuban exiles arrived, they brought a culture at odds with the provincial, southern residents who lived there previously. They also brought a political radicalism that — for better or worse — has forced a hard line with Cuba ever since.
In the years since, they have built prosperous lives and careers in the United States, and their community is now a permanent fixture."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello there,

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ismael Gomez. The picture below is from Havana, Cuba, where I was born and raised. 

I love traveling. I want to try to visit every country there is in this world.